Afraid of the dark

Are you afraid of  the dark? Not the soft deep of a midnight sky full of mountain stars, and not the comforting cocoon when you’re wrapped up in a cozy blanket and trying to ignore your alarm clock and the responsibilities of the day. But the dark that smothers you in your bed and seeps in your eyelids with terrible monsters and nightmares. Have you ever been afraid to fall asleep because then the darkness takes over?

Have you ever experienced that kind of dark? It is terrible. It’s the kind of thing that skirts around your consciousness and puts your mind on high alert; you can’t sleep or concentrate or think straight and you can’t turn it off. It’s not insomnia, not exactly. It’s just…this interminable blackness that you can’t shake and you can’t sleep off.

Up until about a year ago I didn’t know that this kind of nightly hell wasn’t “normal.” I thought all adults woke up every few hours in a state of half-panic and had to sing or rock themselves back to restless sleep.

Yeah. Apparently that’s not normal. I’m not normal.

So, thank heavens for doctors and medicine and better living through chemistry. The thing is, even with the pills and the therapy and everything….sometimes I still find that I am scared to fall asleep, scared to let down my conscious guard because when I’m asleep I’m vulnerable and vulnerability means…vulnerability means that the dark can take over. And sometimes it does.

About a year ago I put the following quote from Madonna Badger in a post:

“Basically, I go to wherever the light is, because anything else is darkness…”

Sometimes, I can’t fight back the dark, and it’s scary. And sometimes, in the middle of the night, I can’t turn on the light; and that’s scary too.

I take my meds, and I talk to my doctor, and I do all those things I’m supposed to do. But I’m still afraid of the dark.

Harriet sig

To resolve, or not to resolve…

The internet is abuzz today with lists of resolutions on the same 8 topics: fitness, money, health, work, travel, spirituality, creative outlets, and relationships. Last year I made some very specific goals within each of those topics and I didn’t complete any of them. I mean, not a single one! I made what I thought were manageable goals and wrote out a detailed action plan…and with the exception of a few weeks here or there I was too overwhelmed with all of it to follow through. And I discovered that the problem with well-intended goals like “exercise 3 times per week” is that if/when you miss a few weeks (or months) in a row it can seem impossible to catch up. And honestly, after 2 months of failing I pretty much gave up completely.

So. Here we are. January 2015: a brand new year without any mistakes in it. Yet.

To resolve, or not to resolve; that is the question. And to be honest I’ve spent several hours in the last two weeks writing down lists, crossing things off, re-writing, rearranging, re-crossing…and my final list looks an awful lot like my 2014 list, which, um, was a pretty solid fail. So, while I will strive to improve in the quintessential areas of fitness/money/health/work/travel/spirituality/creativity/relationships, those goals are not what I want to write about today.

In 2015 I want to live deliberately with passion and grace. I want to live each day, enjoy each day, but I also want to plan and prepare for future happiness and emotional and physical well-being. I want to maximize both the short and long-run experiences of 2015 in all aspects of my life. Next December I want to look back and see a year of experiences—both positive and sucktacular, joyful and heart wrenching—and I want to feel satisfied that I handled each situation with intentional behavior and deliberate choices, I want to feel that I was passionate and engaged in the outcomes. And it would be a huge bonus if I felt that, more often than not, I exercised some level of grace in those situations.

Will this be more difficult than a list I can check off or a chart where I can award myself stars? Maybe. Will the end result be better? I really hope so. I’ve never had a mission statement for a year before, I’ve always been pretty much a New Year Resolutions kind of girl, so this will be an experiment and I hope it helps me throughout the year to reassess and reevaluate how I view individual situations and how I respond with my overall behavior.

Live deliberately, with passion and grace.

Harriet sig