Financial Detox: January Spending Freeze

Last January I decided to go on a spending freeze, not realizing that the first month you move into a new house is a TERRIBLE time for a spending freeze. Terrible. I big fat failed it. So, I’m trying it again. My rules are that I can buy groceries and gasoline and pay all my bills, of course, but that there is no “fun” spending, no unnecessary spending, no “I’m bored and This Thing will make me un-bored!” spending, nothing. I’m still finalizing my 2017 Resolutions, but I know this will help kick-start at least two of them, one about eating healthier (and bringing those healthy things to work for lunch), and one about saving more dollars now that I’m officially debt free.

I have two events in January that will necessitate spending a little money, and my work-around is that I have already set aside the dollars for that in cash. But, for the rest of the month, my focus will be on using what I have, tucking away all the little extra dollars into a savings account, and finding ways to entertain myself that don’t cost money. The gym (ahem, resolutions), some hiking, painting, and riding my bike will be figuring in heavily, especially while the Arizona weather is so nice. I won’t be popping over to Target to “see what they have” or ignoring my healthy lunch in the fridge in favor of something else in the cafe at my office building. Mr. Blue Eyes and I are saving up for something really fabulous this spring, and hopefully that will help me keep my eye on the ball. Christmas just happened, I got spoiled a little with some lovely gifts (a shiny new bike! new books! a wonderful tote bag for work!) and I would like to enjoy those thoroughly.

How do you budget and save money? Have you ever done a financial freeze? Want to join me?



10 thoughts on “Financial Detox: January Spending Freeze

  1. Britt

    I am currently doing a free trial of YNAB, which someone told me about, and so far I am really liking it. Had to watch a few tutorials to figure out how the software works. But anyway, hoping for some financial success!

    1. Feisty Harriet Post author

      I can’t wait to read all about it (I had to just go look up what YNAB is…so, that tells you the actual state of my financial knowledge. Ahem.)


  2. Kate

    This is such a wonderful idea! I want to make 2017 the year of saving (potentially for a home). Seriously hoping it works out for both of us!

    1. Feisty Harriet Post author

      Ooooh! How exciting! I really need to beef up my long-term saving plan. Let me know if you come up with any awesome tricks or tips!


  3. Saskia

    I just started paying off student loans and saving up for more schooling and probably time not working, so while I’m not doing a freeze right now, there isn’t a lot of money going towards extras. And since we’re moving in March and all I can see in our apartment right now is clutter, that’s probably good–I definitely don’t need more stuff.

  4. Pingback: 2017 Resolutions – Feisty Harriet

  5. San

    This is great. I am very curious how it went.
    I haven’t ever attempted a complete spending freeze but I do budget our money and make sure we stash some away. I should give this a go sometime.

    1. Feisty Harriet Post author

      I think the best part about it is that it forces me to change the habits that are there for habit’s sake, I don’t browse Target, or Amazon, because I know I’m not buying anything. I have to find something that doesn’t require spending money to fill the gap, and that kind of stretching and growing has been enlightening for me. Instead of wandering Target, I go on a bike ride. Instead of browsing Amazon I read the NY Times. Now, I have a list of a few things that I’d love to buy come February 1, but I may wait a minute to see if I can truly do without. Ya know?


  6. Pingback: Financial Detox: January Wrap Up and Report – Feisty Harriet

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